Week 21

Liturgical Note: remember that the movements and actions within the service serve three fundamental functions. First, they serve to clearly underscore and communicate the theology (or the aspect of the Gospel) central to that portion of the service. Second, they prompt and guide your individual response to that portion of the service.  Third, they join your devotion to… Continue reading Week 21

Week 20

Liturgical Note: remember, the entire Eucharist service is a single unified whole, with each part of the service contributing some necessary aspect to the whole. As we come to the last major section of the service (known as Post-Communion), notice the general overall flow of the liturgy: In the Ministry of the Word you are instructed… Continue reading Week 20

Week 19

Liturgical Note: the Lord’s Supper is a time of true fellowship at the heart of a true relationship. Christ is spiritually present at the Table in a real, objective, and spiritual manner. However, Christ is not in the meal. Rather, Christ is at the meal. Christ is the host. The bread and wine are the meal that Christ gives His… Continue reading Week 19

Week 18

Liturgical Note: Over the past few lessons we have looked at the Eucharist Prayers. Now remember, it is during the Eucharist Prayers that the meal we have been called to celebrate is prepared. God sets apart the bread and wine for their sacramental use, thus assuring us of His presence and grace at the Table. Our… Continue reading Week 18

Week 17

Liturgical Note: remember in the Oblation and Invocation we were reminded that God is the one who instituted the Sacrament and God is the one who sets apart the meal to bless His people. In other words, at every stage of the meal God’s grace comes first. Thus, up to this point in the Eucharistic prayer,… Continue reading Week 17

Week 16

Liturgical Note: As we mentioned last week, consecration occurs during the Institution. Therefore, by time the Institution ends, the meal is a Sacrament. The result is that, theologically speaking, the next two sections of the Eucharist prayer (the Oblation and Invocation) are descriptive in function. That is, they serve to articulate and make clear the nature of the sanctification that has just… Continue reading Week 16

Week 15

Liturgical Note: As we come to celebrate the Eucharist, it is vital to remember that a Sacrament is not just a divinely sanctioned worship service. Rather, it is a sign and seal of the covenant itself. As such, it rests at the very heart of God’s relationship to His people. Now, it would be silly to… Continue reading Week 15

Week 14

Liturgical note: Why are there only two Sacraments and what distinguishes these from other rites in the Church? Simply put, a sacrament is a sign and seal of the covenant of redemption. As such, those who do not partake of the reality signified by the sacrament are not saved. Such cannot be said of the other five rites often… Continue reading Week 14

Week 13

Liturgical Note: Notice at once the liturgical rhythm that frames the entire liturgy- Throughout the service the liturgy is constantly drawing the believer to God’s Word for examination and repentance; and then back to God’s Word for assurance and pardon; and then back to God’s word for holiness and renewed living; all the while praising God and thanking… Continue reading Week 13

Week 12b

Liturgical Note: Over and again we have stressed that liturgy is active. It is the work of the entire people. You will not remember every detail of this study. Therefore it is vital that you remember this one single governing theme:                                        At every point in the service you are to be doing something. Not only… Continue reading Week 12b

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