Week 12

Liturgical Note: The word “comfort” appears in two key places in the liturgy. The first is in the Invitation, “…draw near with faith and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort”. The second is right after the Absolution, “Hear what comfortable words our savior Christ says”. However, the word “comfort”, as it is used by our liturgy, does not… Continue reading Week 12

Week 11

Liturgical Note: In the entrance way to many Anglican sanctuaries you will find a Stoup (literally cup or basin) filled with holy water. Prior to entering the church many parishioners will dip their fingers into the water and cross themselves. The practice is both ancient and biblical. The idea is that when we come into God’s house after being… Continue reading Week 11

Week 10

Liturgical Location: we have begun the liturgy of the Sacrament. As we do so, the Prayer for the Whole State of Christ’s Church helps prepare us for the fellowship of the Table. How? The standard, manner, and scope of the Prayer reflect the standard, manner, and scope of the Grace we receive at the Table. In other words, how we pray sets the expectation of what we hope to receive. Thus, our prayers… Continue reading Week 10

Week 9

Liturgical note: Over and again we have stressed that the liturgy is active. It is the work of the entire people of God (not just the priest). You will not remember every detail of this study or every point we discuss. Therefore it is vital that you remember this one single governing theme:                                   At every… Continue reading Week 9

Week 8

Liturgical Location: We have just finished the sermon and are preparing to take up the offering. Remember, the sermon culminates the Ministry of God’s Word and the Offering begins the Ministry of the Sacrament. Importance: the Ministry of God’s Word always precedes the Ministry of the Sacrament. Why? Scripture is the standard of the whole of… Continue reading Week 8

Week 7

Liturgical Note: At its heart the sign of the cross is always an act of identification, focus, and assurance. First, the sign of the cross identifies something as being placed before God (that something may be a prayer, an amen to a prayer or blessing, an act of  worship, a deed of service, someone seeking a blessing, something to be set apart for use… Continue reading Week 7

Week 6

Liturgical Location: remember the Creed occurs between the Scripture readings and the sermon. Why? The Creed is both a summary of Scripture’s teaching and a standard of orthodox belief. As such, it both concludes the day’s lessons and prepares for the day’s sermon (i.e. this is the Faith just heard in Scripture and the theology about to be expounded in… Continue reading Week 6

Week 5

Liturgical Location: We have come to God’s house to worship God as God requires. We are in the midst of the Ministry of God’s Word, whereby God’s people are taught, examined, directed, and assured in the Faith. We have just heard and responded to the Epistle and Gospel readings. Now we turn to join our voices… Continue reading Week 5

Week 4

Liturgical Note: When the priest faces the Altar, he is praying with and leading the congregation in prayer. When the priest faces the congregation he is speaking on behalf of God according to the promises given in Scripture.   Location in the service: The service began with an opening call to worship. We responded to that call by joining our… Continue reading Week 4

Week 3

Note: Week 2 and 3 are duplicate lessons.   Liturgical Principle: The movements and actions of the Service represent the movements and actions of your heart. As such these outward movements are to prompt your individual devotion. At the same time, they give corporate expression to the worship offered by the entire congregation. In other… Continue reading Week 3

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